Post by francenefrayer on Oct 15, 2020 5:45:24 GMT
Semantic memory, the ability to recall general concepts, facts, and procedures, can Meditation In A Bottle Review stay the same or improve with again. But episodic memory, the what, where, and when of daily life, may decline with age. The ability to process new information -- learning a language, acquiring computer skills, and multitasking -- also declines. The University of California in San Francisco notes that working memory "holds on" to tidbits of recently learned information. However, the capacity of working memory is limited and humans can only learn so much at once. Yet remote memory, events that happened in the past, may be as clear as day.
Memory problems have many causes: dehydration, depression, and medication. A WebMD article, "Is Your Memory Normal?" lists more causes, including thyroid disease, diabetes, alcoholism, B-12 vitamin deficiency, and infection. As I discovered, grief can also hinder memory. After my elder and father-in-law died on the same weekend I became very forgetful. Though I put sticky notes around the house and made a detailed grocery list, my forgetfulness did not go away.
I worried about developing memory disease like my mother. Thankfully, my forgetfulness disappeared over time. When does memory loss become a serious problem? It is serious when you forget the tasks of daily living, leave a pan on a hot stove, forget driving instructions, forget more and more words, or how to do things you have done times before, such as baking bread. See your doctor if any of these things have happened to you. What is the other good news about Alzheimer's? You can take steps to prevent it. Mayo Clinic, in a website article, "Memory Loss: 7 Tips to Improve Your Memory," offers simple suggestions for staying sharp.