Post by francenefrayer on Oct 14, 2020 6:11:57 GMT
She could treat him in one of several ways, using either quartz crystal wands and Meditation In A Bottle Review a sharp blow to the shoulder blade, or using electronic equipment. My son opted for the gem lamp treatment. The shaman nodded with understanding. "You've probably been pushed around quite a bit already because of your illness and don't want somebody like me doing it, too." Sometimes a patient with a high left assemblage point can be violent, although more commonly, the person is withdrawn and passive, presenting no risk to the examiner.
As a precaution, it is recommended that an assistant be in the room. The shaman has found that two people of the opposite sex working together allow the best healing energies to enter the patient, hence a male assistant was present. For my son's treatment, a transducer using both diamond and carnelian gemstones was placed at the front and back central positions directly in contact with his clothing. The electronic gem transducers in the lamp pulse vibrational energy through the stones, each of which have a unique molecular vibration. The energies create a vortex that draws the split assemblage points back into position. Diamond is the strongest of the gems in energy terms and carnelian balances it by being a very soothing gem. My son's spleen was also energized at the same time with a diamond and carnelian transducer to raise his energy levels.
By having this done, a depressed patient, for example, would be able to get out and about more. The shaman explained that the Assemblage Point is with us at birth, in a very low position centered around the navel, and travels up the chakra line as we develop, stabilizing in more or less the correct position slightly right of center at the level of the heart chakra at around the age of six. Children with seriously misaligned assemblage points find it difficult to interact with others.