Post by francenefrayer on Oct 8, 2020 10:17:03 GMT
Fungal Nail Infection occurs in about 6-8% of the adult population. It's more Fungus Hack Review commonly seen in toe nails than finger nails. It might do undetected until it has progressed to quite a degree as it usually starts with a little yellow or black discoloration. If not treated early, the entire nail becomes discolored and also hardens. Even at this stage, treatment remains an option though it takes longer to effectively treat the whole nail. In the initial stages, ointments and topical creams are used to treat the infection. There are several over-the-counter creams available. Nail lacquers are considered more effective but even the most common effective nail lacquer has current not been approved in the USA and Canada.
Oral medicines are prescribed along with any topical applications to treat an advanced case of fungal nail infection. They should be taken as per prescription since they have some side effects. The advantage of oral medicines is that they work from within making sure the nail grows without any infection and slowly the new infection-free nail replaces the infected nail. There are some home remedies, too, which you can try. Baking soda, tea tree oil, even your everyday mouthwash; all these can be used as to treat initial infection.
The infection is embedded in the nail bed which makes it harder to reach. Hence, all these treatments do not have any guarantee and work slowly. Laser is the most promising and safest treatment option available as they hit the infection right on its head. There is only one laser approved by the FDA for fungal nail infections; The PinPointe Foot Laser which has a success rate of 70-80%. A Noveon laser is also used by some physicians but it has still not been approved though it is found to be very effective and is commonly used for cataract surgeries.